Friday, October 17, 2014

Teach Me How To Squirt!

Inevitably, someone (usually someone of the female persuasion), gets it into her head that squirting is something she must know how to do. RIGHT NOW. So, she makes her way into some forum or another and asks, "Can you be trained to squirt? If so can someone train me?"

And then, without fail, folks come crawling out of the woodwork spouting all sorts of idiocrity. From the women it's crap like this-
"Of course you can! Just do X, Y, Z, and tap your glittery red shoes together three times while chanting 'I just want to squirt...'"
"If I can, you can. All women are built the same!"
"All women can squirt!"
"My Master says..."

And the Dudebros feel the need to pop up and Mansplain how, exactly, the female anatomy works, and why they (The Gift of The Gods To All Womankind) have squirty success rates over 99.8% of the time, and why the lady question asker should let them teach her the secret, sacred squirt.

Me? I roll my eyes and do what I always do, inform the masses using a novel idea called science.

Science is this really neat thing, even when it comes to underexplored realms like The Lady Bits. It's got some basic clues about how we work, why we work, and all sorts of interesting factoids that make a difference when answering questions like these.

Such As:
"All Women can squirt!"

And do you know why? Because some of us lack the plumbing to manufacture a squirt.
Really. I'm not shitting you. Scientists think that the squirt is made in this nifty thing called the Skene's Gland (also known as the Female Prostrate because of its similarity to the male equivalent) and expelled through the Skene's Ducts. Now, there are no exact numbers because who bothers to look for that sort of thing, but there are ladies out there who don't have them- Which means... Not all women can squirt.

So quit saying they can as it sets some ladies up for failure and makes them feel bad because of something that is not their fault.

Then there's the ladies who might have the gland and ducts and haven't squirted.

Might they be able to? Sure. If the plumbing is there, they might be able to squirt.
Will they? Who knows.
We're not all wired alike and the stimulation that gets one lady there (to squirty nirvana and messy sheets) might not work on another. I think that for something like this there's a lot of trial and error (A LOT) involved, along with knowing your body and what works for you. But even then, if you try and try and nothing happens, what does it matter?

Then there's my favorite. The guy who comes along and insists that despite science and despite the fact that none of our lady bodies work the same way, he has the Magical Man Skillz to make you wet the wallpaper across the room...

He's full of it ladies.
He might have had some success with previous partners (or maybe they just got fed up with his insistence so they took a wee at him), or he might have some stellar feel-good action that works most of the time... But he knows jack shit about your body and he's a fool for pretending otherwise. So don't be fooled by his super altruistic [sarcasm] offer to help.

And honestly,who cares? I really don't get why it's such a big deal, this stupid party trick some of out bits can do...We all have hands but nobody assumes that anybody with two hands and ten digits can paint like Picasso. Nobody insists that we can if we try hard enough, or makes us feel like failures when we produce something that looks like it belongs in a kindergarten classroom.

Why all the hassle and disappointment and angst over a bit of wet?


Not all women can squirt.
Nobody can "teach" or "train" you how to quirt if you can't (or even if you can).
Science rocks.

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