Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Dominant Didn't Call Me Back...

"I met a new Dom whom I thought was "the one". I sucked his cock the first and second nights we      went out. Then, he stopped calling/texting. I was just being my naturally submissive self. Is being too  compliant too soon a turn-off to Doms?"

Dear Question Asker,

Remember that vanilla guy you dated in high school? The one who said you'd do it if you loved him? The one who said that you were "The One" and you guys would be together forever and ever and yes, you should suck his cock? The one you were totally stoked about, went on a few dates with, fooled around with, and then he never called you back? The player?

Yeah. This is that same guy with a fancy title that he's given himself.

Dominants are not paragons of virtue held to a higher standard than mere mortal... Er, vanilla men. They're men.

Some of them are great guys.

And some of them will say anything it takes to get in your pants and then it's "Wham, Bam, Thank you ma'am" and you never hear from them again.

Seems you've found yourself one of those guys, so no- It probably had nothing to do with you being "too compliant too soon" and everything to do with him being a lying cad who just wanted to get his rocks off.

This really is high school all over again. And since you already survived that, you should be able to survive this if you remember that there's nothing magical that happens when a man takes on a title, he's still the same guy he was before that happened, and there's no rule book holding dominants to some higher standard... They're only guys who are looking for different things who may or may not be honest with you.

If you want to find your One, it might be wise to take enough time getting to know him so when he says "I think you're The One" you know (as much as you can know) that he means it and it's not just some line he's feeding you.

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