Sunday, December 14, 2014

That 10 Day Challenge Meme, all in one night (insomnia, yo).

Day 1: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
Is it weird that I don't have 10 people that I want to say something to right now? I just don't have any pressing shit weighing me down that I feel the need to blog about... I suppose there are ten people I could say "I love you" to, and you can't really say that enough, so I guess I'll go with that. Folks One through Ten, I love you guys. Thanks for being part of my life.

Day 2: Nine things about yourself
ONE: I can lick my own elbow. It's quite possibly my best party trick.
TWO: When my brother and I were small my folks left us alone. I, in all my 13 year old wisdom, decided I wanted to ride my horse and made my brother give me a leg up. My little brother. Who couldn't hoist me up that high. So, I kicked the horse in the ass tossing my leg over her back and she took off bucking and cork-screwing and generally acting like someone lit a fire under her hiney. In between the "O My Go I'm Gonna Die" thoughts I counted, and didn't let go until I reached 8 seconds. Upon which I flew about 10 feet in the air and come to rest square in the middle of a road apple.
THREE: I suffer from crafty ADD. It's a terrible illness where the sufferer trolls pinterest, gets all gung-ho about some new crafty hobby, purchases all the items required to do that hobby, and then promptly loses interest when a new crafty hobby catches their eye. Spare bedroom is a Mini Michael's. It's shameful.
FOUR: I took four years of Spanish in high school. 18 years later and the only thing I can remember is how to ask someone to turn off the lights and how to say "cow."
FIVE: I read the entire dictionary and thesaurus. For fun.
SIX: I hate being hugged. HATE it. So I tend to avoid family get togethers where people will want to touch me because for some reason saying, "I don't like being touched" isn't a good enough reason for folks to keep their damn body parts to themselves.
SEVEN: I suck at math. Anything butt the simplest addition and I need to get out my phone.
EIGHT: After having a talk with my mom the other day, I've come to the conclusion that I might be starting "the change." Usually I like to say, "I am too old for this shit," but this once I'll make an exception- I am too young for this shit!
NINE: I have a shameful affinity for tacky ceramic kitsch from the 50's. I have a shelf full of the gaudiest, goofiest-looking critters, and I think they're awesome.

Day 3: Eight ways to win your heart
Be Cookie.

Yeah, I know, totally lame. But honestly, there were not eight ways (or any one way) that he "won" my heart. It's not a prize. It's a burden. He has to carry it safely for the rest of his days and I have to live knowing that my hear is walking around outside of my body. It's one of the most terrifying feelings imaginable at times...This wasn't the county fair. I offered the burden and he accepted it.

Day 4: Seven things that cross your mind a lot
"Ow! My nose! It's all dry and crunchy inside! I hate winter!"
"Why do I have dogs when dust bunnies make me hurl? Why?"
"I should ride my bike."
"Cookie's awesome.<3 <3 <3"
"How old am I again?"
"I should be writing."
"I wonder if anybody's posted anything new on <insert social media site here>?"

Day 5: Six things you wish you had never done
No regrets.
What happened in my past probably influenced my present, and things not done might equal not having the life I have. And for the life I have? I'd do it all over again, without hesitation.

Day 6: Five people who mean a lot to you (in no order whatsoever)
The Mommy
Bestest Girl Friend
The Baby Bro
The Small Folks (I'm counting the twins as one since they're kinda little)

Day 7: Four turn offs
Fox News.

Day 8: Three turn ons
Everything about Cookie. Giggity.
A beautiful mind.

Day 9: Two images that describe your life right now and why
Images? Man, don't you know I'm the laziest blogger ever? I don't do images. Plus, my life's not really all that interesting. I do this, I keep my mom company, I play with small folk. I pick up after Cookie, I go on wild spending sprees at Thrift Stores, I plot my eventual domination of the universe, I don't sleep... There's not much to describe.

 Day 10: One confession
I'm not at all interesting.

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