Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fuck this "Alpha Sub" shit.

This morning at some point another writing about "Alpha" submissives made it to K&P.

That by itself wouldn't rile me up because there are plenty of people who feel a good bit of angst over the fact that their personality does battle with their desire to submit. The more submissives with dominant personalities that come out of the woodwork to say, "Hey, I run a company. I'm out-spoken, a go-getter, and confident. I'm competent, secure in myself as a person, and a fully functional, responsible adult... And I'm happy to submit to my partner" the better.

Let's help out our fellow submissives with dominant personalities find their place in the Kinkyverse. I'm all for that. Power to the DP s-types!

So it's not the topic that riles me up, it's the tone of smug superiority these self-proclaimed "Alpha subs" tend to adopt when they talk about themselves. Hell, the very wording implies a sense of superiority, a "better than" quality, and a place above the salt cellar at the table. And everybody who isn't an alpha? well they're somehow "less than". Less smart, less capable, less outgoing, less interesting, less of a challenge... They're just less because being alpha is better.

If that wasn't insulting enough- There's more. Dominants who prefer the easy-going subs, the sweet, shy gals, the ones whose IQs don't qualify them for Mensa? Those guys are inferior as well and the reasoning is that because they prefer the non-alpha sub they're incapable of handling a "real" sub. They're compared to low quality management who hires even lower quality staff so as not to have their power threatened because they're weak.

As much as I'm all about breaking the submissive stereotype, I am totally against going about it in this way. I think it's pretty damn low to make someone feel like they have less worth because they don't have the same qualities that you do, I think it's shitty to make another group feel less worthy because you're incompatible with them. And if the only argument you can make for being a DP Submissive is one that involves tearing others down in an attempt to legitimize your position in the Kinkyverse, you're not helping.

There is a case that needs to be made for the Dominant Personality Submissive- That while we have character traits shared by many D-types our submission is genuine and valid. That personality and orientation, the side of the slash we gravitate towards in an Authority Exchange relationship, does not always match up. That we are just as real and true as any other person who choses to submit.

We can make that case without maligning others.

So can we stop the "Alpha sub" bullshit already?

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