Sunday, March 16, 2014

I Had The Ebola Last Week.

A little while ago I mentioned that Beloved Cookie was ill.
The reward I got for being just about the best wife and submissive girl person ever whilst he was brought low by a bug? What do I get for cleaning out his puke bucket, fetching him chicky soup, and making sure his Kleenex supply was well stocked? How did he thank me for umpteen million grocery store runs to buy him OJ and Flu Drugs?
He gave it to me.


Thankfully, Cookie isn't a clod.
While I was busy yarping up my internal organs, producing more snot than the human sinus cavity should physically be capable of containing (unless a sinus cavity is like a Tardis), and generally displaying my misery by assuming the fetal position in the corner of the couch while making pathetic whimpering noises, Cookie took care of me.

He's awesome like that because he loves me and wants me to feel better.

And I only mention all this snot and vomit to bring up something I notice happening in the Kinkyverse that I thought about in between bouts of yickiness- The Unrealistic Expectations a lot of s-types seem to have about submission while sick.

Me? I had no problem being a miserable lump of sick Squeaky on the couch, no issues with sending Cookie to the store for more cough syrup, or letting him manage the house for a few days. The last thing I want to do when I feel like hammered shit is take care of crap I know he can manage on his own (plus, I secretly think he likes having a chance to be the care-giver on occasion).

But a lot of s-types seem to have issues about letting their D-types be the care-giver. I see it all the time online: "I feel bad because I'm sick and can't take care of my Dom!" or "I feel like a failure because I can't do XYZ while I'm running a 104 degree temperature and actually dying from Ebola!" or "I'm in a halo and he won't let me do XYZ..."

Ok. So maybe that last one is an exaggeration, I've yet to see someone in traction fretting because they can't kneel and suck cock, but you get the point. There's all this angst and I don't get it. At all. What's so horrible about being sick and letting someone who cares for you, you know, care for you?

I could understand it if they were ill and fretting because their clod-like Domly was demanding that they still do XYZ while running a 104 degree temperature and dying of Ebola... But this?

It just makes me scratch my noggin in a fit of confusion. You're sick, so what? Eventually you'll get better (well, maybe not from Ebola, I hear that's pretty rough on a body) and you can continue doing XYZ... Until then? Why not focus on, I dunno, getting better?


I have nothing better to do because I'm still not all the way off the couch and I ran out of episodes of West Wing to watch on Netflix while the doggies warm my feet, so this is what you get. If it doesn't make any sense, just blame the Ebola.

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