Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Someone made a helpful list (that I eviscerated. My bad).

I like to keep up on what other people are writing about. Partly because I like getting those little glimpses into another person's head and partly because it's a good idea to know what drivel is being spewed because that shit needs to be nipped in the bud.

So this morning I hit up Google to see what's happening in the Kinkyverse. This is what I found, bold is that writer's ideology, not bold is me. Snarking. A lot. Sorry, I tried to restrain myself (well, I didn't try very hard), but a person with common sense can only take so much of this One True Way stuff before they lose their patience.

Today I will be sharing the protocols normally reserved for 24/7 submissives and slaves.
Ooo... There are protocols normally reserved for 24/7 dynamics? Do tell!

Some of these will be fairly standard and have been taken from erotic fiction but some of these are very unique to the owner and should show you that deciding what the rules and protocols are should be the owner's decision.
Your use of  "taken from erotic fiction" worries me because, yanno, fiction. Plus it's doubly worrisome that you're implying that rules are set only at the D-type's discretion... Have you not heard of negotiating?

I will be breaking up the requirements in different categories and in some instances, when something is clear I will not even use further explanation. It is my hope that this guide will help you enhance your submissive or slave's service to you.
I can barely contain my anticipatory glee.

In private/ At home with no one else present:

Slave should always remove clothing as soon as she/he gets home unless Master/ Mistress has laid out clothing for the slave or submissive to wear.
Always? As in without exception? You do realize that many of us have children, live in cold climates, or just don't do that sort of thing, right?

Slave should fold clothes neatly or place them in the laundry whenever he/ she gets undressed. Ok. I can't take exception to this one, dirty clothes strewn about the house is one of my pet peeves.
The slave or submissive is to kneel in present posture whenever the Master/ Mistress is due to arrive and wait quietly.
I have no idea what this is, but I do know that being naked and kneeling around here is going to result in some uncomfortable adventures in warding off curious dogs and their wet noses... How about I remain clothed and just sit on the couch?

Whenever the Master/ Mistress is present in a room, the slave must ask permission to enter in the following fashion: "Would it please you if your slave entered the room."
I can already hear Cookie laughing. In part because he would find this silly, but mostly because he would be amused that you're dictating what his submissive must do.

The slave will kneel in the room until the Master/ Mistress gives permission that he or she may move or proceed with cleaning.
Ooo. Cleaning. I'm sure that will be the first thing on his mind if I'm nakkie and kneeling- Having me clean something.

The slave or submissive will wear and gratefully accept any toys the Master/ Mistress chooses to insert or adorn her or him with while cleaning or in any other circumstance.
Cookie hasn't given me any toys! Does this mean he's doing it wrong? Is there a committee or something I can report him to? I'm feeling rather jilted here.

The slave will not speak unless spoken to and may request an opportunity to speak if there is something pressing to discuss during those periods of time when the Master/ Mistress commands silence.
This might work if it wasn't for the fact the he tends to like my nonstop chatter. He thinks I'm amusing, which is good because I think I'm amusing too.

The slave or submissive may request an opportunity to serve the Dominant in the following way: "Would it please you to have your slave serve you?"
Again, thanks for telling someone else's s-type what they "may" do. And, you know, this is just something to think about here- But plenty of D-types don't really enjoy that whole third person slavey-wavy talk thing... Might be a good idea to admit that there's no One True Way sometime soon.

The slave does not sleep with the Master/ Mistress unless it is the express wish of the owner and then this must be seen as a privilege. It can be taken away as a form of punishment.
Like hell it is or can. We're married we sleep together no matter what. Hard limit.
Oh, just in case you forgot: S-types are allowed to have limits.

The slave or submissive will always thank the Master/ Mistress for an opportunity to serve whether it was doing a chore or being flogged.
I actually do this. But it might not count because I'm kind of sarcastic about it... He laughs though, so it's all good.

The slave will keep their eyes averted unless it is the wish of the Master/ Mistress to have their slave look them in the eyes.
There's that absolute thing again... It's getting a bit old and we're not even halfway through this list.

The slave will address the Master/ Mistress not by their first name, but by the title preferred by that dominant.
I call Cookie by his first name. I also call him Dear, Sir Pooksalot, and You Fluffy-headed Manperson. We both fail, it seems.  (also, if you're wondering, a "pooka" is what my eldest twin called poop. He couldn't pronounce poop so it came out sounding like pooka. We think it's funny)

In public/ At home with others present:

A slave will receive visitors at the door with whatever clothing the Master or Mistress commanded.
Or whatever I happen to be wearing at the time. Cookie doesn't dictate my wardrobe, and has no interest in dictating my wardrobe. Funny thing- I actually have more fashion sense than he does so he wears what I lay out for him. I dictate his wardrobe.

A slave will greet visitors in whatever way the Master/ Mistress commands - this may include just taking coats and putting them away, kissing the hand of the guest or kneeling in front of them.
Yeah... No.

A slave will not refer to anyone using his or her first name. A slave will use the title Sir or Ma'am combined with their name to differentiate and to make sure that he or she remembers her or his place.
Again, no. The only person who I would ever think of using a title on is the one person I submit to and have consented to submit to- My Domly One. And my place? It's on equal footing with every other human being on this planet.

A slave will serve every person with food and drinks as requested, kneeling to each as the food or drinks are presented.
Not happening. I have bad knees. Too many years of track.

A slave will not use furniture and will kneel on the floor until her or his services are required.
Like hell I'm not going to use a couch or chair I paid for, and I'm sure as heck not kneeling on the floor with my craptastic knees.

A slave will not speak unless spoken to.
Not our kink, but thanks for telling us it should be.

A slave will remain attentive to make sure that no one has to ask for additional food or drink. A slave should be ready before the command is issued.
If I got off on service this might be fun, but I don't. I'll do what a good hostess would do but if someone other than Cookie commands me to fetch them something they're going to be booted out of my home for being a rude, insufferable twat.

A slave must use high protocol when commanded to do so. This means that the slave will not use first person language when referring to him or herself and will address everyone present with the honorific given to those free.
Oh God.
Seriously, get off Second Life. We're ALL free in case you missed that whole Slavery Being Illegal In The USA thing. And I'll use high protocol when I agree to use it, it's that whole pesky consent thing.

Bathroom training:

A slave must always ask permission before using the bathroom or taking a shower.
Not happening. I don't get off on that, Cookie doesn't want to be pestered every time I need to wee or get clean... really. Please, some time soon point out that you don't have the monopoly on how dynamics ought to run and different people will have varying degrees of interest in the things mentioned here.

The bathroom door may never be closed in private, as a slave has no right to privacy.
Ew. Gross. Seriously not happening. And my shy bladder disagrees with you.

The slave must accept it calmly when the owner decides that a bathroom break will not be allowed at that very moment.
By "calmly"  I'm guessing you don't mean wee on your D-type because I have a good idea that's what would happen if Cookie had the balls to tell me I couldn't use the potty room when I needed to.

Punishment/ Discipline:

Punishment and or discipline take precedence over any other command.
Not part of our dynamic, thanks.

A slave must show gratitude for punishment and or discipline.
Must? Boy, you really like dictating what other people do in their relationships don't you?

A slave must take correction gracefully and maintain a grateful presence around the house after the fact.
And if they haven't consented to it they can file assault charges and show grace and dignity in court.

A slave must confess to disobedience and take responsibility even when the dominant is not present and beg for punishment and or discipline.
Because that sort of thinking worked so well for our parents when we were children, right?  Come on.

A slave must always maintain the punishment position in these cases.
There's a position for that? Is it like bending over or something? How well does that work when the punishment is writing lines or dusting the crown molding near the ceiling?

Sexual Service:
This si where it gets really good. And by "really good" I mean that there is absolutely no nod to the importance of consent when it comes to sexual activity and the rights someone has if someone forces them to have sex against their will- Also known as rape.

The slave must be available for sexual service whenever the dominant or his guests require it.
Or his guests?
Dear reader- I want to point out something here- The fact that the person demanding service of this nature identifies as a D-type does not protect them from rape charges. If you do not consent, they have no right to expect any sexual gratification from you. This is not a "must" it is a kink that requires consent, and it is despicable that it's stated as a must.

The slave must always be ready for any form of sexual service, which would mean that her or his body must be prepared in order to make it easy for the dominant or guests to use him or her.
Some folks enjoy this sort of thing, I enjoy being available to my Domly One... But not always. Being sick, bleeding like a stuck pig, having had a horrid day- Yeah. Those don't really foster a sexy-time feeling. They do however foster a "Get the hell away from me or I'll brain you with this leaded crystal bedside lamp" feeling.

The slave will not be allowed to have an orgasm without permission.
Funny. I'm allowed to have as many orgasms as I want whenever I want. So whose rule do I listen to here? The tripe from a random One True Way blog or my Domly One's dictates?

The slave will shave any body hair and maintain this at all times. Failure to do so will result in punishment.
We don't have a punishment dynamic.

The slave will be clean and pleasant to all the senses at all times.
Does this mean I can't fart? Because that's not very realistic. Sometimes the gas has to pass.

The slave is not allowed to touch her or his owner's property without permission in any sexual way.
Oddly enough, I've never actually felt the need to molest Cookie's car or X Box until this very moment...

These are but a few of the requirements that some slaves live by.
You really should have put more emphasis on SOME because this comes across as a One True Way Manifesto with a weak ass nod to YKINMKATOK. WEAK.

The list is extensive and could be lengthened quite easily.
Because it's not long enough? Sheesh. Plenty of people don't even have rules and regulations at all much less a list like this. Cookie only has one rule. One. He's the Boss. That's it, it's his trump card, his ace in the hole. Man. He'd shit bricks if he thought he had to create, manage, and keep track of all the potential infractions a lengthy list like this could create.

 It is always a good idea to have requirements regarding online privileges and privacy, interaction with others not in the lifestyle, which would include hand signals etc.
No, it's not "always" a good idea. It's a good idea if that idea appeals to the people in a dynamic.

In the end it is the decision of the dominant what this list would include.
Please. Just stop. It is also the decision of the s-type if she wants to consent to the things included in a list like this.

My dominant makes me read my list of requirements daily to ensure that I do not fail in my service to him.
Good for you. My Dominant likes me to write snarky blogs in response to other blogs written by people who don't have the common sense to realize that their verbal outpourings have consequences. He seems to think that I have some responsibility to point out to the new and uninformed that there is no right or wrong way to do this, and the only things they "must" do are those things they agree to do... Too bad more folks don't realize that fact.

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