Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wedding rings, collars, and silliness.

So here's a random thought- Why is it that I often see people bemoaning the fact that other people don't view collars with the proper reverence/respect/gravity/whatever as they do... But you never see them bitching about folks disrespecting the "True meaning" of the wedding ring or engagement ring?

Really- They're kinda the same thing. They're both symbols of a relationship between two people and those peoples' commitment to their relationship, but nobody says, "OMG! Did you see her? She's wearing left hand bling and she's not even married! The gall of that woman!" or "Rawr! They've only known each other 2 months and she's already wearing an engagement ring! That totally cheapens the meaning of my engagement ring that I had to wait three years for!"

Why so serious for one but not the other? Plenty of kinksters are married and they don't all view their wedding bands the same exact way, and that's OK.

But wear a collar in a way someone doesn't approve of and it's the end of the entire world as we know it (it may also rend the very fabric of the universe, cause climate change, and kill off entire populations of adorable endangered species).

My view is that you collar means as much as you want it to mean for your relationship and that's none of my damn business- I'm not all up in your relationship so I have absolutely no right to tell you what the symbols of your relationship should mean. You want a "velco" collar? Cool. You want a play-time only collar? Awesome. You want a Ermahgawd we're so super serious about this BDSM thing collar? Rock on with your super serious self.

But why does it matter to you what my collar does or doesn't mean to me?

Eh. Just more random thoughts about random shit from the Squeakyverse. It's been a random sort of thoughtful day.

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